For every cabin crew applicant there are hundreds of very suitable applicant hoping that their application is successful. What can you do to make sure you noticed, how can you portray how special you really are? This is may not be as daunting as you thought …
There are several opportunities which will help to raise your application above the other many hopefuls, some are advisable to achieve before you apply to an airline to ensure you give your application the best opportunity to stand out. Some are formal course suggestions, other online options you can choose!
Having a basic First Aid course demonstrates that you are serious about having the skills you need to do the job well.
By completing a recognised First Aid training course like St John’s Ambulance or The British Red Cross is very beneficial. It demonstrates you have a clear understanding of administering in first aid and that you are up to date with current procedures such as CPR and treating minor injuries. For more info click here.
Brush up on your foreign language skills.
This will show you recognise how important it is to be able to effectively communicate with passengers in their own native language.
Having a certified Health & Safety Course such as those provided by St John’s Ambulance service..
Health & Safety is crucial for Cabin Crew staff and it is very relevant to the job description for cabin crew. It also covers the essentials for managing health and safety in the workplace. For more info click here.
Having a Fire Safety Awareness Course really can impress! Fire hazard awareness can save lives and would be a relevant, useful certification to hold.
Remember as a crew member fire- fighting experience plays an essential part of your training course. The course will present an insight into fire regulations and general fire precautions, providing you with the knowledge to become a fire marshal. For more info click here.
Enrol and attend on a Cabin Crew Wings 2 Day Course.
Cabin Crew Wings training days are run by professionals who can provide invaluable behind the scenes insights into the aviation industry. You can learn what it is really like to be cabin crew with practical examples as well as classroom based insights. Preparing you to do well is what we all want to achieve so you will also be provided with examples and insights into what your interview could be like. The courses benefit from flexibility and are offered over either one or two days. Day 2 can be of particular advantage as it includes examples/demonstrates of cabin crew in a professional environment. It also provides an opportunity to see some of the essential procedures and the demands that are placed on cabin crew staff. These course provide a real flavour of things to come!
Complete our Cabin Crew Wings Assessment eBooks and Cabin Crew CV eBook.
For those who can’t travel to the training course locations, this would be a suitable service or indeed as it is useful preparation for attending the Courses offered. Have a look in our Cabin Crew Wings Store for more information about e-learning.