The 3 ACTIONS you need to start taking TO IMPROVE your chances of becoming Cabin Crew


Start your preparation NOW

This might sound a bit obvious- but given that it’s the biggest mistake most of you will make, it’s worth repeating. Most candidates don’t start to properly think about their application or assessment until the last minute. And the minority that do? They’ll be the ones doing the job YOU wanted.

Don’t wait until you hear that the airline you want to work for is recruiting or that selection days are coming up; think about getting ready today. After all, you don’t start to learn to drive the week of your test, or decide to start training for a marathon the weekend before, do you?


Think beyond the technical skills

It’s easy to focus on the technical elements of the cabin crew role e.g. using equipment, understanding emergency procedures, applying health & safety protocols etc. But there is a whole other side of being cabin crew which is just as important. When you are faced with a distressed passenger who is terrified of flying will it be your technical skills or your personal skills you will rely on? When there is conflict between two people will it be the policies you quote or your personal handling of the situation which will make all the difference? It all comes down to what you are like as a person, and that’s the part we usually forget to shout loudly about.

So how does that help you prepare for your application and selection day? Firstly, you need to find out what you are good at and what you aren’t so good at. You need to reflect on this yourself, and you also need to ask other people. Make it easy for them to be honest by asking what they think your 3 top strengths are, and also the 3 things you could do better. Think more closely about what you do and how you do it at work- what comes easy and what you struggle with. Reflecting on your skills, values and work styles will help you become a better applicant.


Tidy up your writing

We’re not talking about your handwriting here, but the content of what you are writing. Whether it’s a CV or application form, the first glimpse the recruiters have into what you are like is through what you put down on paper. And most people don’t do this very well.

One of the biggest things you may struggle with is explaining yourself in enough detail. For instcne, you might complete an application form, stating that you ‘work well with a team’ but provide no further info about how you do this (do you listen, collaborate, support, encourage? How exactly have you done these things in the past? There is no way anyone will know unless you explain it, and most of you will skim over the juicy details in order to make vague statements about ‘being helpful’ or ‘supporting others’.

If I say to you that I am good at these things, how much better do you feel you know me? Not much I imagine. But if I tell you: ‘I helped someone who wanted to be cabin crew to improve his application form. I reviewed his answers and wrote some sensitive feedback so he would not feel criticised but supported instead. I reassured him when he said he was worried and explained he was doing very well but it wasn’t an easy task to get right…’ you get the picture. Doesn’t this tell you a bit more about me? Can you see the difference explaining yourself can make?

And if you aren’t sure about any of this (and it’s not always easy to put the pieces together) ask for help! We have plenty of resources you can use, so no need to miss a chance at a new career when there is support an email away.

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Hannah is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist specialising in recruitment, selection and assessment. This means she designs and assesses at selection days just like the ones airlines use.

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  1. Hi,

    I am 39 and I currently work with children with mental health issues. I have a level 5 in management, I’ve been in this line of work for 7 years.

    I have been interested in becoming cabin crew for a long time now, and feel this is the right time for me.

    Would my age be a concern?

    Kind regards,
    Claire whittle.

    1. Hi Claire,

      No your age certainly wouldn’t be a concern, there isn’t a specified upper age limit for most airlines – as long as you’re physically fit to carry out the Cabin Crew role, and meet the other basic requirements, you’re free to apply. Airlines value work and life experience highly, and also place a lot of importance on your personality and attitude. We have had some older students on our Cabin Crew Course who have changed career after many years and gone on to work in Cabin Crew jobs very successfully. So my advice would be to make the leap and apply!

  2. Hi
    I am a nurse with 29 years experience….and sadly nursing is now a worthless non rewarding career .. please can you kindly keep me up to date of current / new vacancies at Newcastle Airport
    Kind Regards Michelle Tomlin

    1. Hi Michelle, the best way to stay up to date with Cabin Crew recruitment is via our Job Alert Service where we text you (normally within minutes) when any UK based plus the big international Middle East carriers are recruiting. We also post on our Jobs Board however this is normally over 24hrs after the recruitment window has opened. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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