7 ‘Tell it How it is’ Cabin Crew Blogs for you to Follow
It’s all very well reading the glossy version of what it is like to be cabin crew but before starting this new career you really need to get the real-life low-down- especially if you suspect it’s not all luxury hotels and glamorous hair-do’s.
So where can you go to find out the truth about the less appealing duties or behind-the-scenes gossip? Lucky for you, in between smiling for 18 hours straight and shopping for duty free, there are plenty of cabin crew who love to write. And even better, they’re happy to dish the dirt.
Here are our top cabin crew blog recommendations (in no particular order). Be warned, some of them aren’t for the faint hearted!
Heather Poole is huge on twitter and has an impressive list of media credentials, not least being her New York Times bestselling novel- Cruising Attitude: Tales of Crashpads, Crew Drama and Crazy Passengers at 35,000 Feet. There’s plenty of info in the FAQ section, smirkable anecdotes in cabin crew confessions and don’t forget to look up the ‘laviators’ trend!
Cute design, plenty of photos and easy reading posts like ‘best outfit to wear on a plane’, and ‘flight attendant problems’. There’s even a handy section from the ‘In-flight dietician’ to keep you trim and healthy.
With a professional style and blogs covering the flight attendant lifestyle, destinations, travel tips and travel with kids, this website is an eclectic mix of all things travel and cabin crew. There’s even a podcast ‘the crew lounge’ which is like a talk show, but all about your favourite topic!
On this site you’ll find ‘pain in the ass’ passenger stories galore- there’s even a dedicated ‘rants’ section. This ‘sassy stew’ even has her own mechanise and an eclectic list of credentials which make you wonder how on earth she fits flying in. For the record, she doesn’t hate her job.
These guys take an all-round look at the travel industry with ‘hot’ destinations, aircraft, techie gizmos and a ton of video to lose yourself in for hours.
Unlike some of the ‘personality’ bloggers who pop up on TV and radio shows, these tales are courtesy of an anonymous writer. The site may not be as slick as some of the others but the irritation-laden rants and real life conversations offer a fascinating glimpse into the cabin crew day to day.
We have a log book created just for Flight Attendants. Its a log book specially made for flight attendants to log all their flight details, note down their inflight and layover memories, destinations they’ve been too and yet left to cover, along with bucket list and alot more related to the job. We are sure you’ll will love it.
Do check us out and follow us @logthesky