Our experienced Cabin Crew reveal their top advice…
As Cabin Crew, you’ll often be working with more seasoned colleagues. Perhaps they’ve been crew for a good number of years, or maybe they’ve just worked for the airline a little longer than you and know the ropes.
It can really pay to listen to advice and feedback. Sometimes we find this difficult – especially if we’re given this advice under stressful circumstances, or if we feel like we’re being criticised. But in the majority of cases feedback and advice is well-meant, and intended to help you.
We asked a variety of cabin crew members to tell us the best pieces of advice or feedback they’d been given – even if at the time they didn’t realise how helpful it was!
Don’t take it personally – They’re shouting at the uniform, not at you!
Andy, Cabin Crew Wings Trainer.
“Don’t take anything passengers say personally, let it all go in one ear and out the other – working with the general public can be one of the most rewarding and also one of the most soul destroying jobs – don’t let them grind you down.“
“ Enjoy every minute of your flying career and seize every opportunity – you never know when you might end up grounded. “
“Smile – even when you don’t feel like smiling – it always helps lift your mood and keeps our passengers happy. “
‘Dan Air’ Cabin Crew and creator of Confessions of a Trolley Dolly
Treat all customers as if they were a family member and you won’t go far wrong!
Michele, Cabin Crew and part of the Cabin Crew Wings Trainer.
Lauren, Cabin Crew and Blogger at My Life As Laur
Kill them with kindness (i.e. be so kind, no matter how ridiculously rude your customers and colleages are that your company will back you up.)
Taylor, ex-Cabin Crew and blogger at Volare and Cabin Crew Wings
Louise, cabin crew with Flybe
Keep calm and carry on! It’s an oldie but a goodie. And very appropriate to crew. You’re going to find yourself in some stressful situations working in a job where you’re working with the public in an enclosed space!
Kerrie, ex-Cabin Crew with Ryanair
Rise above all difficult situations and kill them with kindness.
Working in a metal tube for long periods is no place for a bad attitude ….everybody must be treated like a valued guest
Baljit, Cabin Crew Wings Trainer
We’re also always on hand to lend an ear and advise you at Cabin Crew Wings – just call or drop us a message and we’ll be happy to help!
Looking for feedback?
Check out our Cabin Crew CV Review service. Our assessment experts will give your CV a thorough check and let you know what you’re doing right and what could use a little tweaking!