What do you wear for your Cabin Crew Assessment/ Interview?
This is a crucial stage and you have to look the part
There is something special about airline assessments/ interviews; they are mostly customer service centered and because of this candidates will find themselves thrown into a group interview situation that can be both daunting and exhilarating at the same time.
The best way to stay in control and make sure that you are looking and feeling your best is to dress to impress!
Be Authentically You
Try to stay true to your natural style without looking too casual or too overdone. If you are the kind of girl who likes to wear dresses, wear a corporate looking dress that shows your shape and accentuates your best features. If you like wearing pants, opt for a smart looking pant suit and ensure your hair looks feminine to avoid looking too androgynous. There is nothing wrong with looking this way, but it is no secret that being Cabin Crew comes with certain gender stereotypes. If you are looking to get into the industry, there is no harm in embracing them from time to time. Avoid clichés such as wearing a scarf around your neck or actually bringing a suitcase. It is good to look prepared and “the part” but unless you carry a wheelie bag around in your daily life as a handbag, it’s best to leave the Cabin bag for when you actaully begin to fly!
Tread Carefully
Both literally and figuratively. Aim to wear low-to-medium heels (for most airline low heels are a requirement on ground) and try to pick a style that is understated and comfortable. No stilettos, harsh lace up or zippy styles, and save the thigh high boots for a non work setting. The look you want to achieve is more “View From the Top” rather than “Pretty Woman”. You want to make an impression for your overall polished look and impeccable grooming, not be remembered by the recruiters for garish outfit choices!
It’s All in the Hair
Almost fifty percent of a customer service facing role in Aviation is grooming. This starts from top to toe! For starters, ensure your hair is clean, neat, and modestly coloured. If you have unnaturally dyed hair (such as bright purple/ pink/ blue/ green) then it may be wise to consider dying it to a more natural hue. In every airline that I have worked or applied for, unnatural looking hair colours are banned. You will not be hired with that colour hair and if you dye it that colour during your employment, you will be asked to change it and most likely be suspended from duty in the meantime!
For hair above the shoulders, ensure it is tidy, sleek and slightly pinned back or braided off the face. For beyond shoulder length hair, stick to a bun with or without a donut (either is good). Try to avoid high/messy ponytails as they can be distracting and look unpolished. If you are going to wear your hair short for an airline, it must sit above the collar. Any longer and it must be tied back. Also keep in mind that any fringes must be above eyebrow length or shorter. Got bangs? They too need to be tamed!
There are many a rule when it comes to maintaining a role in Aviation, but it is best to adapt and embrace these rules before you start to ensure a seamless transition to the skies!
Most airlines require one full length photo in Business Attire and one Casual Attire photo as well. This doesn’t mean “A night on the town letting loose” it means in “normal” clothes that are still respectable, not too revealing and comfortable! Try to be as natural as possible! My casual photo is attached for your reference.