Emirates Cabin Crew Recruitment Process 2024

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Want to work as Cabin Crew for Emirates? Here’s our guide to their recruitment process.

Things have changed since we last wrote a recruitment guide for Emirates and there’s a lot of conflicting information online about what you need to do.

They have a tough selection process with high standards expected of their crew. Are you up to the challenge?

Here’s the new, up to date info and your options to apply to fly with Emirates in 2024.

Before you start

When working for Emirates you’ll have to relocate to their base in Dubai. This means that you’ll have to be able to meet strict UAE employment visa requirements.

But, there are advantages – you’ll be able to enjoy a tax-free salary, and have the once-in-a-lifetime experience of living in this exciting, multicultural city.

The airline will provide accommodation. However, please be aware there are regulations in place you must adhere to, especially regarding staying out late or having guests visit you.

You’ll have to be sure that this would be an environment you’d be happy living in.

Please note that applicants for Emirates must be 21 or over at the time of application.

There are a few things you’ll need to do before you apply. First is making sure your CV is up to date. You’ll also need head and full-body photographs – professional ones if possible. These do come at a cost, but think of it as an investment into your cabin crew career – a high quality photo can really make your application stand out!

There are two ways to apply to become Emirates Cabin Crew:

  • Through the online application portal.
  • At an Emirates Open day. These are ‘walk in’, and are held worldwide.

Let’s look at these in more detail.

The Emirates Cabin Crew Online Application Process

Step 1 – Application Form

To apply, you can either check our jobs board, or go online to the Emirates Career Pages.

You’ll need to register on their site which will log you in. From there you will need to answer some basic questions such as ‘are you willing to work shift work’ and ‘are you prepared to serve alcohol’. If you agree to these questions you’ll be directed to a page where you can submit your CV and photos.

Your CV will need to cover these categories:

  • Personal information – make sure you meet the requirements, and stick to relevant details.
  • Work experience – they’ll be scanning for experience in customer service and hospitality so if you do have work or life experience in these areas, make this stand out. Really show what makes you good in these roles!
  • Education – again, stick to the point, and don’t go into unnecessary detail. Steer clear of acronyms and jargon!
  • Certifications – if you have any other qualifications or certifications that are relevant to the role, list them here! These could include a first aid qualification, or a certificate from a cabin crew training course.

Need help with your CV? We’ll help you get it in great shape. Our Cabin Crew CV Review will help you find out where your last CV went wrong, helping you stop making the same mistakes over and over. You might not realise how much your current CV is costing you your chance at a Cabin Crew career!

If possible, it’s a good idea to register with the website and apply with your CV even if you are intending to attend an open day. That way, you’ll know for sure if your application is being considered for the next stage or not, as you’ll receive an email or call inviting you to a recruitment event if you have been successful.

Step 2 – Video Interview

Emirates used to hold famously difficult assessment days but in the wake of the pandemic, they’ve now chosen to conduct video interviews instead to screen potential Cabin Crew candidates, before sending out invitations to the recruitment day.

PLEASE NOTE – Emirates (frustratingly) only includes video interviews in the process for some job openings and locations. However, it’s best to be prepared either way, and to research the video interview process!

The video interview usually consists of some questions that you’ll need to record yourself answering. You will have a chance to practise using the video interview software, but the questions themselves you’ll have to answer spontaneously. Your answers will be saved automatically.

For a full guide to the Cabin Crew video interview, check out our detailed guide here.

Step 3 – The Emirates Recruitment Day

If Emirates are happy with your video interview, you’ll be invited to attend one of their recruitment days.

If you’ve made it through to this stage then very well done – this is a big accomplishment!

This is perhaps your best chance to show the recruiters that YOU are the right kind of person to be part of Emirates cabin crew. It’s never too early to prepare – see our guide here.

Remember to dress for success – Emirates places high importance on the personal appearance of their crew – smart business attire is best for both men and women.

So what should you expect? In short the day will consist of:

  • Introduction – The Emirates recruitment team will provide an overview of the role helping you understand what to expect while working as Cabin Crew for Emirates. They’ll also share exactly what life is like in Dubai. Usually they’ll share a short video.
  • Group assessment – You’ll be asked to complete group activities, which will test your communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills.
  • Online test – You’ll also have to take an online psychometric test at the venue. Don’t worry – this isn’t as complicated or scary as it sounds, as we explain here.
  • Individual questions – This is something that may not happen at every event, but if time and numbers permit, the recruitment team may go around asking individual candidates a question about Emirates – this is where doing your research on the airline will really pay off!
  • Final Interview – This is your golden opportunity to convince the recruitment team you’re the candidate for them! It gives the airline a chance to learn more about you and your motivation to work at Emirates as cabin crew. Read about our interview best practices here to help you avoid interview red flags!

If you’re successful, there will also be a tattoo check, a height and reach test, and a document check. There will also be an English language test for those who have specified that English is not their native language.

The best plan is to have digital copies of your documentation available on a phone, tablet or laptop to share with the recruitment team on the day. Remember to bring the physical copy along too though!

The order can often vary though. In between each session, you’ll all be asked to leave the room while the recruiters decide which applicants they are sending home – effectively unsuccessful applicants are ‘cut’ from each stage.

After the interview, recruitment will send your entire file to HQ in Dubai to be carefully considered. Should you be successful you’ll receive a telephone call advising you of the next steps in the process.

Hold tight, you’re nearly there!

Is the Emirates Open Day different from the Recruitment Day?

The process is almost identical – assuming you make it through the initial selection. The team will assess your CV and photographs, and let you know if you make it through to the recruitment event itself, as outlined above.

These are walk-in events, but you must remember to bring all the relevant documentation with you, in case you are asked to stay for the full day. The initial selection can take a while however, as these events can get incredibly busy – so arrive early and come prepared!

What happens next?

If you’ve made it through the whole process, firstly, take a breath and congratulate yourself – this is an incredible feat!

It can be really nerve-wracking waiting to hear if you’ve been selected or not, but the airline will let you know, either way.

If you don’t get selected, try not to lose heart. Use the experience as a learning curve to reflect on what you could do better, and remember you can apply again in six months.

Final steps

There are some background and medical checks that the airline will need to make before your offer of employment can be finalised.

The standard is stricter than with some other airlines, as it has to meet the UAE working visa requirements too, so if there is anything at all you are worried about it’s best to check this with recruitment at the interview stage.

If you’ve been selected, you’ll be asked to complete a self-declaration medical form, and may have to visit your doctor if additional information is required. You’ll also need to visit your dentist to complete the airline’s dental form.

Next it will be time for Emirates to put you through their own medical assessment, and the necessary background and criminal records checks will be completed. You’ll have to provide a police report confirming that you have no previous convictions due to updated visa policies.

If the checks are successful you will be given details enabling you to log in to a restricted section of the Emirates career portal. This will be updated with all the details you’ll need regarding your training and the start of your employment!

Finally, it will be time for you to fly to Dubai to complete Emirates 7-step Cabin Crew Training Process, which takes place at the amazing purpose-built cabin crew training centre at the Emirates Aviation College. Before you know it, you’ll be waking up to your first day in the sky as cabin crew!

Want to find out more about life as Emirates cabin crew? Browse our selection of Emirates articles here!

To stay ahead, make sure you have the latest information and understand all the steps involved. For those interested in exploring similar cabin crew opportunities, you can find positions in various locations on Jooble.

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Cabin Crew Wings Team

Our team of experts have the many years as Cabin Crew plus HR experience and are up to date with the latest selection news.

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  1. Hi, I’m Doris. I applied online recently for Emirate Airline. please I want to know when emirate is recruiting and also if they come to Nigeria for their assessment /open day. Because I’m a Nigerian and I base in Nigeria.

    1. Hi there, at the moment due to the impact of COVID-19, Emirates Cabin Crew roles are currently on hold. Keep checking our site and social media for updates!

  2. Good day, i applied online and was invited on the 27/11/2019 to attend an assessment event but i couldn’t because of my job and some other things. I want to know how long does the invite last and if i can still attend. I base in Nigeria. Thank you.

    1. Hi there, you could try contacting the Emirates Recruitment Team directly and explaining the situation, but it’s likely you would have to reapply again.

  3. Hi!
    I am wondering if the open day/assasment day is held in English or the native language where the interview is held in? (Example, if Sweden is it in Swedish or English?
    Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi there, the Emirates Open and Assessment Days are usually held in English, due to the importance the airline place on speaking the language fluently.

  4. hi i have invitation for emirates but one problem i have a gap on my teeth but i can still replace it can it be a problem for the recruiters.

    1. Hi there, it depends whether it is one from a natural gap or a missing tooth. A natural gap will be acceptable as long as overall your teeth are in good dental health and otherwise aesthetically pleasing. If the gap is from a missing tooth and you are in the process of getting this replaces this should be acceptable provided you explain to the recruitment team that you are doing this. However we would always advise checking with the recruitment team directly before travelling to an open day or CV drop.

      1. Hello, I need help! I have submitted an online application at emiratesgroupcareer, and several weeks later I got an invitation link to a digital video-interview. However, due to some circumstances I was not able to see it, and now that I am aware and I have opened it, the link to the interview has expired. 🙁 However on the website, it is written that my application is under review. May I please know if there is anything I can do to get to the interview stage? This is my dream job and I am so disappointed in myself for not being able to make it! Please give some advice, maybe I can contact someone?

        1. Hi there,

          I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’ve had! You would have to contact the Emirates recruitment team directly – check any emails or paperwork you received as part of your application and there should be a contact there, either a phone number or email address.

  5. Hello, I had applied online last year and i got the mail mentioning that i can attend the interview close to my location. Unfortunately due to some issue i did not have time & i could not manage to attend the interview. Will it be possible for me to attend interview if i apply now . I am just bewildered because my previous online application has not been 6 months but i had not attend the interview. Good Day !!! Thank You !!

    1. Hi there, if you mean the open day/assessment day then you should just be able to attend the next event near you – you’ll likely have to re-apply for an invitation online though.

  6. I am hoping to do an interview for Emirates in Salzburg, as I am living in Austria but from Scotland.

    Will this interview be in English?

    1. I would imagine so, as English is one of the required languages by Emirates for their crew. I’d advise contacting the recruitment team directly to check however.

  7. Good day
    I would like to know if you can attend an open day when your application is still under review.

    1. Hi there, just to clarify do you mean that you have previously applied to Emirates or you are waiting for confirmation of your invitation to the Open Day?

    1. Hi there,

      It depends if the tattoo is visible when your hair is in an updo – Emirates do have a strict policy on tattoos, and there will be a tattoo check as part of the assessment day/open day.

      1. Hi …you speaking to Lauren, I will be turning 23,im married …I just wanted to know a few things, because im not to sure how to go about..so i’ll explain… im really disappointed due to this is something I wanted to become for a very long time…being an Emirates cabin crew member is something I always wanted…so this is what im not really happy about…the fact that I dont know how to apply ,so that I can attend the open day and im not sure how to go about because it is sending me a different things …can you please let me know how to go about please…and I would like to know where the open day is going to be as well as where is is going to be …im all the way from Cape Town…please any information Donata

    1. At this time yes, it’s an invite-only event so you will have to register online. Other years the events have been walk-in. Though we would always recommend checking the event details on the Emirates site first and registering your details if there’s an option to do this.

  8. Hi there,
    I would like to know how many times I can apply for the invitation-only assessment day as well as how professional the pictures submitted need to be.

  9. Good morning
    I would like to apply Emirates as a cabin crew, however my height is 1.56 cms. Is there a minimum height required?

    Warmest regards,

      1. hie I have submitted my online application, and I received an email stating that they would get back to me if I am shortlisted, I really would love to stay positive but soon as I submitted all I got was process completed.

        1. Hi there,

          Do you mean the application for an invitation to the Emirates Open Day/Assessment Day? If so which date did you apply for?

          It can sometimes take a while due to the huge number of applications Emirates receives, which can be very frustrating when you’re waiting for a reply!

  10. Hi. I’ve applied 8 months ago and I did an update last August, however my submission status says that it is still under review. Is there any chance I could get selected? There’s an Open Day on December 2019 in Dubai and I’m currently residing here but I don’t know when or why my status is not changing. I mean why there’s no rejection letter if I am rejected.

    1. If your application is still saying ‘under review’ then this usually means that it is genuinely still under consideration. It’s frustrating, but Emirates do receive a HUGE number of applications. If your application is rejected then the status will change, and you’ll be informed. It might be worth sending the recruitment team an email with your application reference asking to confirm the status you’re seeing is correct, if this will put your mind at ease? If you haven’t received a rejection you can still attend the Open Day if you wish.

    2. Have tried to apply but I don’t know how to…. Maybe there is a particular website I will go into n do d necessary…. Pls let me know cos have been trying it for months now

  11. Hey, I wish you could help me… well I had my Final interview on Sunday the 28 of July at 12 p.m, at the end of which the recruiter assured me that I would get a response within a maximum of three weeks…
    I wanted to check my status, but unfortunately I didn’t apply online since it wasn’t working even though i submitted all the required documentation checklist and guidelines by sending them via email with my recruitment name.
    it’s been 6.5 weeks and response is yet to be posted. I stayed in touch with many other candidates and they have all received wither a golden call or a rejection email.
    I really wanna know iif my application is still being studied 🙁 and it’s killing me deep inside because I don’t know anything about my status.

    1. Hi there, you would be best to contact the Emirates recruitment team directly to enquire about the status of your application – giving them a quick call or email might give you the information you need to put your mind at rest!

    2. You would have to contact the recruitment team directly for an update on the process of your application – hopefully they will be able to give you the information you need.

      1. Hi apply on line and I got email back that they will get back to me a soon they review my application..I try to reach emerites recruiters email or phone number everyone help me I will appreciate it..because I want to know if I can attended to open day cabin crew at Cancun next week ..

  12. Hello, it’s almost one year now since I applied online for cabin crew. How long does it take to know if you’ve been shortlisted or not. it’s saying the application is under review since last year. Thanks

    1. Hi Julie,

      It can take some time for airlines to process applications due to the huge amount of applicants for Cabin Crew roles – this can be really frustrating for applicants who are left ‘on hold’, like yourself. Have you tried contacting the airline’s recruitment team directly either by email or phone? They are usually very happy to help.

    1. Hi there,

      It isn’t compulsory but it can help to make your application stand out if you’ve completed a Cabin Crew course prior to applying. Hope this helps!

        1. You do need to have a good level of fluency in English, and there is usually a test during the application process to confirm that you can speak English to the required standard.

          1. Hi, I am 36 years old, I’m graduated like fisical education teacher, I’d like to participate selection process, if I be inside company profile, can I be hired with this age?

  13. Hello sir,am still in a training school am waiting for my exam this December to have my CCS, after it I wish to apply for Emirates airline because I really do love the company ,I just hope it won’t be late by then? Thank

  14. Which specific education qualifications are needed tobe a cabin crew member can i be one having an account degree

    1. Airlines take a lot more into account than just qualifications – your personality, your attitude and your work and life experiences for example. You might find this article useful, or have a look at our selection of Airline Requirement Guides which lay out the preferences for each individual airline.

  15. Wow
    That was very resourceful and insightful.
    Is it easier to apply when you are in Dubai or you can apply from anywhere (now that apparently they no longer visit East Africa


  16. Hi, please may you assist me with the contact I can apply I have been waiting for this opportunity since .

  17. one of the requirements for emirates is to have a high school certificate. I got an equivalence to high school in travel and tourism, is that okay?

    1. Hi there, you might find this article a useful read. Airlines take a lot more into consideration than qualifications – your personality, life and work experience and attitude for example. A recognised Cabin Crew Course is a good option too, this will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to get through the recruitment process and beyond. If there’s anything we can help you with or you’d like any more information on any of our courses or products then please do get in touch!

  18. Hello does Emirates conduct Skype interviews for applicants in those countries they do not go for recruitment but who are willing to join the team.I am from Zimbabwe and have never heard the Emirates coming to recruit in my country

    1. Yes they do however if you pass the online stage you will be required (at your own expense) to fly to Dubai for the assessment day.

  19. Hello, sorry so if your 20 is it still bad cause it’s said atleast 21 not meaning it’s a must ..In Emirates i mean

        1. Yes at this moment they are holding recruitment events, for cabin crew positions based in Dubai.

  20. Hi , I have just applied for Cabin Crew Emirates but it has not asked me to do a video interview. Do you know why that is?

    Kind Regards,
    Riyana Jaber

    1. Hi Riyana, I believe Emirates had problems with the video interview so they have removed it temporarily. I expect they will contact you soon with the next steps.

    1. This does really vary depending on how busy Emirates are so unfortunately there is no easy answer.

    2. Hello Beulah,
      Thanks for asking. I was wondering the same question.
      Have you been answered since then ?

    1. Emirates require you to be a least 21 but do not list a upper age limit. Other airlines like British Airways the lower age limit is only 18.

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