Getting over the first hurdle- the Application Form

As daunting as it is getting an invite to an assessment day, many applicants dream of hearing that news. It’s not always straightforward getting your foot in the door, and many Cabin Crew have a few rejections under their belt before they landed a position.

Here are a few tips which should help –

  • Your application doesn’t start with filling out a form or writing your CV.

    If you start thinking about what you have to offer even before you even have a job to apply to you have a better chance of being able to fill in any gaps in your experience or qualifications before you reach the recruitment deadlines.


  • Try to avoid using too many general statements in your application- things like ‘I am a hard worker’ or ‘I love to travel’.

    Your application is your chance to prove that you have what it takes to shine, but don’t expect recruiters to just take your word for it. If you say you are hardworking they will also be looking for extra hard evidence of this in your application. It’s not enough to just say it, you need to show it.


  • Keep your application relevant.

    You may have spent several successful summers working in a popular cabaret show but unless you can make the relevance of this clear, it isn’t worth including. So for this example you might want to point out where the cabaret role and cabin crew role are similar i.e. long hours, having to stay professional in front even if you weren’t feeling 100%, the importance of keeping the audience/ customers happy etc.


  • Include plenty of spaces, clear headings and section breaks.

    Recruiters have to read a lot of applications and the better the layout the easier they are to read. That’s when the information actually sinks in and has an impact.


  • Think about what you plan to include in your application and consider whether it is special enough.

    There will be plenty of CVs/ application forms which may look a lot like yours. How will yours stand out? This differentiation should be in the excellent content of what you are writing, and not down to you using a gimmick like bright coloured paper!

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Hannah is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist specialising in recruitment, selection and assessment. This means she designs and assesses at selection days just like the ones airlines use.

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