What makes a good photograph for your Cabin Crew application?

Many airlines are now asking you to submit photographs along with your online application.

Some of us are naturally photogenic and others absolutely hate having their photo taken! However a standout photo can really help your cabin crew application.

Read on to find out our top tips for a tip-top photo!

The Basics

Photos should be clear, in focus and in high resolution, with no filters or photo shopping applied. Make sure they have been taken in good lighting, with no harsh sunlight, artificial light or shadows.

The airline will specify in the application guidelines the amount, type and sizes of photos required, and whether you will need to submit these with your online application or take copies along to the assessment day.

It might be worth investing in a set of photos from a professional photographer in your area, or maybe you have a friend with a professional camera that you could ask to help you out. The quality will really be apparent in the photos!

Types of photos

The type of photos you are asked to provide could include any of the following:

  • Passport
    Just like your standard passport photos but usually requiring you to smile in this one! It can be a crop from your full-length formal photo if you prefer.
  • Full length formal
    This should be against a white background, and of you standing and wearing business attire. Your whole body, from the top of your head to the bottom of your shoes, should be visible.
  • Full length casual
    The same as the full-length formal photo only this time with you wearing casual clothing – think smart casual though! This can be taken against any background.
  • Close up
    A photo of your head and shoulders to waist level, again wearing casual clothing.

What to wear


  • Smart business attire is the only option. For men a suit, shirt and tie, for women a (below the knee) skirt or trouser suit with a blouse or shirt and full length hosiery.
  • Formal shoes should be worn. For women these should be closed toe, heeled and with no straps.


  • Dark jeans and a plain, slim fitting t-shirt in a dark colour are an ideal combination for both sexes.
  • Closed toe smart shoes should be worn.
  • It’s best not to wear sleeveless or long sleeved tops, or layer things up with jumpers or cardigans.

Hair, Make Up and Accessories

For women wear visible (but not overdone) make up. Make sure your hair is neat and tidy, behind your ears with no loose strands. For the formal photo long hair should be in a simple up-do.

Men should be clean-shaven and have neat hair.

Play it safe and leave jewellery, watches and accessories off for the shots. Airlines have slightly different rules for their photos but the majority of them ask for minimal ‘extras’ to your outfit.

If you need glasses/ contact lenses wear your contact lenses if possible for the photos.

Photo tips


  • SMILE! This is one of the things the airline really wants to see in photos.
  • Stand directly facing the camera, legs together and arms relaxed by your side.
  • Think about the background for your ‘casual’ photo. This should be appropriate for a professional candidate, and not be so busy that it distracts from the main subject – you!
  • Stand up straight, with shoulders back. Good posture is important!


  • Wear coloured contact lenses, or sunglasses.
  • Submit a photo with anyone else in the frame with you. Only you should be present in the photo.
  • Have any piercings or tattoos visible.
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Hannah is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist specialising in recruitment, selection and assessment. This means she designs and assesses at selection days just like the ones airlines use.

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