The Worst Things that Happen to Cabin Crew

What are the worst things that happen to Cabin Crew?

Imagine the most disgusting thing that might happen to you while working Cabin Crew. News broke today about some very unlucky crew and passengers on board a flight to Miami. It involved a dog, a stomach upset and… You can figure out the rest.

So we wanted to know… What are the worst things that have happened to Cabin Crew during their careers? It’s all glamour and jet-setting – until it’s not!

You might have to cover your ears reading some of these stories about the worst things that have happened to these unlucky Cabin Crew members!

Fasten your seatbelts, and we’ll dive in.

Sick as a dog

There isn’t anything much worse than being cooped up on a plane when someone is sick. Or is there?

A Twitter user recounted a flight in which a dog became horribly ill during the journey.

Tweeting under the handle @MicSolana the user posted:

‘my bf is on a plane to miami right now and a bulldog in the row next to him just had diarrhea. everyone freaked out, the dog owner began sobbing, and the dog escaped. now, covered in poo, it is running around the plane. people are lifting up their legs and screaming.’
This was followed up with:
further developments, flight attendant offering wine to most afflicted up front, biohazard kit has been taken out (!!!), seats covered in blankets, and a woman in first class is upset her dinner tray has not yet been taken away
The anecdote finished with:
in the end, seats were lysol’d and scrubbed, 75 dollars in airline points were rewarded to direct hits, the lights were dimmed, and a very tired and ashamed lil pup watched tv for the rest of the trip. the plane safely landed. my bf is now home (he swears he can still smell poop).
Give the Cabin Crew on board that flight a medal!

Tray tables up!

Cabin Crew are sometimes forced to witness the worst things. A lot of which involve passengers doing disgusting things with tray tables.

One member of Cabin Crew said that they’d seen travellers changing baby’s nappies and clipping their toenails on top of their tray tables.

And that’s not to mention the things found stuffed down the sides of seats: soiled clothing, used tissues and dirty nappies.

Cabin Crew run a tight ship and planes have to be cleaned at lightning speed on turnaround flights. This means that a lot of places might be missed until a more thorough clean at the end of the day. Don’t be gross, people! Use your tray table for what it was designed for!

Seat surprises

Cabin Crew might find unpleasant surprises in the seat pockets. Some of the worst things Cabin Crew have found include half-chewed food, used underwear and overflowing vomit bags.

To all Cabin Crew out there, we salute you. You’re doing a heroic job!

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