We’ll let you know which airline is advertising as soon as they announce it, giving you the head-start you need!
Cabin Crew Recruitment Alert
Looking for a new job takes time, but here is how we can help you make it a bit easier with our Monthly Subscription Cabin Crew Jobs Text Message Service.
Why will a text message about new jobs help?
- It’s a big commitment to find time every day to check the job sites. With our text message service we do all that for you, so you can get on with your life knowing that the vacancies will be sent to your phone without you having to lift a finger!
- It can be a big advantage to get your application in first. Recruiters will read your CV when they are still fresh, and you won’t miss any deadlines. (Some recruiters even restrict how many applications they will accept so if your CV arrives behind the rest it may not even be looked at).
- It keeps you up to date, so you can focus on making important decisions about your career, instead of panicking about where to find a job and wondering if you have missed out on any important news.
Can’t I just check your jobs board every day?
Of course, and this is a great strategy too, our Jobs Board is an excellent place to see vacancies. But can you honestly say you will never forget to look some days? With text message you get a helpful ‘beep!’ to remind you to do something!
We do update our jobs board very quickly- but the text messages always get sent first. Because so many people rely on our Jobs Board, the last update we posted was shared over a 100 times the same day! That’s a lot of potential applicants who might have seen the job before you.
A text message is the easiest thing to check whether you are at work or even out with friends, so you can get the update you need without interrupting your day.
Recruitment Alert FAQ
How do we know about the job vacancies first?
Our IT guru Chris has created a handy system to stay up to date with all important airline news and updates. We keep an eye on it so you don’t have to.
What about job vacancies which are released at night?
Our system checks airline recruitment changes 24/7 but we are only at our desks 9-5 Monday to Friday, so some texts have to wait until the next day. The good news is that airlines announce recruitment during office hours 90% of the time (their staff don’t work weekends or at night either!), and if they do post a recruitment notice late Thursday night for example, you would still hear from us before you would probably see it yourself.
How do I get job text messages?
Join the service for just £5.99 a month. There are plenty of airlines recruiting at the moment so you may only need to be with the service for a month or two before you get a job! It’s easy to cancel the service at any time and we will stop your monthly payments straight away.
Once you are signed up to the job text service, you will know as soon as an airline announces it is looking for cabin crew. We’ll tell you who is advertising and all the other important details you need to get your new career started!
Ophilia –
Very helpful in staying alert on recruitment time.
Mihret –
Katrina Nangolo –
Very Helpful.
Anisa –
very helpful
Natasha Maunze –
Ruben Alonso –
Very helpful
Lee ash –
Very helpful
Brook-kelly –
Very helpful
I would need the cabin crew alerts as i miss the recruitment dates
beth –
perfect for meeting the deadlines
Hazem algwania –
Awesome 👍🏻
PS –
Joanne Pickford –
This is great! I always seem to miss the recruiting time.
Gary –
I am delighted with the service as I have received 2 Cabin Crew job alerts this week! Thanks