Once you have successfully navigated through the recruitment process and you are excited about ‘What happens next?’ How do you become part of the airline’s cabin crew? Well the next step after selection is training. You will need to complete your initial training which covers:
You will probably be feeling confident about the training having passed the selection process. However, word of caution here, don’t assume you will pass the training! Some candidates do not achieve the necessary results at this stage and so are unsuccessful in achieving their dream career. This disappointment can be crushing after all the effort and anticipation. To help equip yourself with the best opportunity for success we recommend you take part in one of our 2 day courses, which provide a very realistic version of what you can actually expect on the airline training days. A real situation of forewarned is forearmed! You can never be sure how many of your fellow recruits on your training course have already gained valuable practical skills and experienced by attending our course. That’s why we thing it’s a good idea to take part. The experience and practical exercises, will help you to positively STAND OUT! Because you will know in advance what to expect and you will be prepared and ready to do it correctly.
‘As a Cabin Crew trainer, I had to fail 19 students in 6 months. This was for anything from being late to class to failing a particular test. They get a few chances and would only lose a point or two for each fail, but these add up and sadly this does cost some of them the chance to continue.’