Cabin Crew Interview Mistakes that could cost you the job!
Make these simple interview mistakes and your great interview answers just won’t be enough – and they could cost you a cabin crew job!
You’ve got your Cabin Crew sample interview questions and answers all lined up, put in the practice and know your skills and experience inside out. While this is all great stuff, preparing certain things TOO much could actually spoil your chances of getting through the interview.
No memorising!
Of course it’s important to prepare, and to know what you should expect.
However, although it may seem tempting to simply plan your answers ahead of time and memorise them, these sorts of textbook responses are a no-no when it comes to the interview.
If you’ve got ready-made, textbook responses prepared, it’s easy to come across almost like a ‘robot’. You can end up sounding monotone and boring doing this, and your interviewer will easily forget you.
Your interview is a chance for you to show your character and personality – don’t waste it!
Expect the unexpected…
Working as Cabin Crew, adaptability and thinking on your feet are essential skills. You want to show that you’re capable of dealing with anything that might crop up, however unexpected.
Too much preparation could make you panic if you’re asked a question you haven’t prepared for. Don’t just say the first thing that comes into your head though, or you risk sounding frantic and illogical.
Conversely, don’t fill in the blank with an answer you’ve prepared in advance just because it sounds good. Make sure it’s relevant!
Try to sound spontaneous
If a question takes you by surprise, pause for a few seconds to give yourself enough time to think.
It’s better to carefully consider it than to babble about something the interviewer didn’t actually ask you simply to avoid an awkward silence
Helpful phrases to fill in for thinking time could be, ‘That’s a great question. I’m going to think about that for a minute.’ You could also talk the interviewer through your thought processes if you’re worried about uncomfortable pauses.
Practice with a friend
An excellent way to get some really helpful practice in is to ask a friend to join in. Ask them to fire off some questions without you knowing which ones or in which order they’re going to come.
This will help you develop a more conversational, genuine interview technique.
Adapt your examples
Don’t be put off and avoid prepping whatsoever. It’s always a good idea to have a list of carefully thought out examples of your real-life experiences.
Try writing them in bullet point format – this will encourage you to talk about them differently each time, while avoiding sounding as if you’re reading from a book.
You may well need to tailor your examples to a specific question. Again, having a friend ask you a variety of questions will mean that you can practise talking about each example, adapting it to suit the wording of the question.
If you’ve made it to the interview stage then chances are that you’ve already proved yourself to be a promising candidate. Reassure yourself that you know what you’re talking about and can back up your words with real-life examples of your actions, skills and relevant customer service experience.
After that, the most important thing is to relax. Don’t let nerves get the better of you.
Stick to a conversational, story-telling style and your answers should flow easily.
Need more handy tips?
If you still feel like you could do with a helping hand, check out our eBook which will guide you through every aspect of the Cabin Crew interview!
Is there an age limit I’m a very fit athletic 55 year old , would my age not be considered ?
Hi there,
No your age is not an issue, there isn’t an upper age limit, and as long as you’re fit and healthy and meet the rest of the requirements for the airline you choose to apply for there’s no reason you can’t apply!