Making your relationships work as Cabin Crew
Cabin Crew relationships and long distance love
For many of you considering becoming Cabin Crew, it will more often than not result in a move, perhaps even an overseas one. If you are in a relationship, even a new one, it’s a huge decision that affects not only your happiness and welfare, but your partner’s, too! Every relationship has its ups and downs, whether long distance or just down the road, but living apart has definitely been the most challenging thing we’ve faced as a couple so far. So for everyone thinking about making the move, and trying to go the distance, I’d like to share some of my experiences with you all.
Bon voyage doesn’t necessarily mean au revoir!
Do you quit or stick?
The day before I left, we had a big conversation and I think we both panicked a little. He offered for us to break things off, so I could move to the desert and “be single” and find myself. I am the most stubborn person I know (apart from him) and I assured him that I didn’t want to move away to see other people, actually it wasn’t about our relationship; it was about my career, and me. Once he was reassured of that, we just decided to try and make long distance work!
Tougher for the one left behind
I can safely say that is must’ve been much harder for him that it was for me, because between my bouts of home sickness and crying I was flying to new and exciting destinations-that doesn’t mean that I missed him any less! Being an absentee at birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries and simply on weekends is very difficult. In saying this, I’m a big believer of following your heart and your dreams at the time, and at the time when I left Australia, it simply didn’t feel right to end something that made us so happy, and I am so glad that I listened to my instincts. That being said, there are certain factors that made our long distance relationship marginally easier, thanks to technology and some good old fashioned romance!
Staying connected
The most obvious app to use would be FaceTime (if it is legal in your location) or otherwise Skype. It is so comforting to be able to contact (and see) your loved ones with the click of a button (but also rather soul crushing when they hang up and you are staring at a blank screen).
Finding time
The best thing we did was make time to Skype when it was reasonable for both of us. The key is compromise, and respecting the other person’s responsibilities. Just make time for each other! My friends in Dubai can vouch for me, every time before we ate dinner, or went out, pretty much anything, (and it was bedtime at home) I would sneak off for a quick Skype session just to say goodnight. It’s often the little things that take up biggest spaces in our hearts! WhatsApp is also a fantastic way for Crew to keep in touch with each other as well as loved ones back home. Regardless of the location you are in or the one that you are messaging, as long as both parties have Wi-Fi, it is easy and simple to send a quick message or a few photos to say “I’m here” or “thinking of you!”
Sometimes the best way to say “I miss you” is some good old fashioned snail mail! It’s no secret that I love to write, and there is just something so romantic and old fashioned about receiving something in the mail. There is nothing like sharing your feelings on the back of a pretty postcard for the whole world to see! I think I am just a romantic at heart, but they make great keepsakes, too!
Take some memories with you
Often, when it’s the middle of the night and you are homesick and really miss your other half, it is nice to be able to flip through some old, actual photos to reassure your restless heart and “why you are doing this”. It may take some time, and organising, to print them out online or at your local photo shop. This is both a great initiative to make your space truly your own and also to get acquainted with your local area and shops.
I hope this insight has been useful! I am so grateful for my experience in flying, for everything that living away and long distance has taught me. I am also grateful for our relationship and the strength we have gained as a couple from the past few years.
My best advice is to just go with your gut feeling and not over think it!